Kuviraa strengthens capacities of girls and women towards civic leadership
About Us
Strengthening civic and political leadership of girls and women towards a representative and inclusive Indian democracy
In 2023, we surveyed 600 Indian youth (ages 14 -22 ) in partnership with researchers from UCLA and found that girls report being less interested and engaged in politics than boys and cite fewer opportunities to participate in politics. To bridge this gap, we aim to work with adolescent girls and young women to strengthen their civic knowledge and create opportunities for them to be involved in democratic processes. We are a nonpartisan organisation reduces entry barriers for adolescent girls and young women’s civic and political engagement across India.
We aim to strengthen knowledge, create opportunities and build communities for girls and women, equipping them to meaningfully engage with issues of democracy and gender.
Note: Kuviraa is registered as ABBAKKA Foundation under the Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013. All donations to Kuviraa have tax benefits under Section 80G.
Our work
We work at an individual, community and ecosystem level and follow two pathways to reach our mission:
Research and advocacy
Building a positive narrative around politics through research, strategic communications and campaigns.

Our flagship Ambassadors Program where we bring together girls from across India to over 12 workshop sessions to interact with politicians, gender and policy experts as well as participate in simulation exercises. You can find a brief impact report from our first cohort here. Additionally, we work with educational institutes to conduct workshops for their students.
Hear from our Alumni: